M.A.C. has a new collection inspired by the Indian fashion designer, Manish Arora. For those of you who haven't heard of him, he is MAJOR in New Delhi. And in London where Indian fashion is widely popular. Based on the previews, I am loving it! I am so excited about this new collection. It looks very rich, the presentation is gorgeous, and the colors are beautiful--fit for a princess. It will be coming out Oct. 9, 2008 [USA/Canada] . The count down begins!
The colors and prices are:
Eye Palette x 6 - $38.00USD
- Nylon - Pale gold with icy metallic shimmer (Frost) (Permanent Shade)
- Going Bananas - Soft lemon yellow (Frost) (LE - Repromote from C-Shock)
- Playful - Bright clean pink (satin) (LE - Repromote from Barbie Loves MAC)
- Bitter - Vivid bright golden green flecked with shimmer (Velvet) (Permanent Shade)
- Electric Eel - Vivid bright blue flecked with shimmer (Satin) Permanent Shade)
- Deep Truth - Very real truthful dark blue (Frost) (Permanent Shade
Lipsticks - $14.00USD
- Girl About Town - Fabulous fuchsia (Amplified Creme) (Permanent)
- Kiss Manish - Frosty mid-tone burnt red (Frost) LE
Lipglass - $14.00USD
- Pink Manish - Frosted fuchisa (Frost) LE
- Shine Manish - Frosty bright orange with multi-dimensional pearlized pigments (frost) LE
Blush - $18.00USD
- Devil - Bright iridescent coral orange (Satin) (Permanent Pro)
- Pink Swoon - Clearly pink (Sheertone) (Permanent)
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